About Our School
DoDEA Mission:
Educate, Engage, and Empower military-connected students to succeed in a dynamic world.
DoDEA Vision:
Excellence in Education for Every Student, Every Day, Everywhere.
Feltwell Elementary is located on Royal Air Force Base Feltwell right in the middle of the Norfolk fens, a flat agricultural wetland area in East Anglia, United Kingdom. RAF Feltwell is a small communications base established in 1938. Feltwell Elementary opened in 1972 and we recently celebrated our fortieth anniversary Ruby Jubilee. We are a part of the greater US Air Force Lakenheath/Mildenhall complex, homes of the 48th Fighter Wing and the 100th Refueling Wing of the United States Air Force. Our school primarily serves the dependent children of US Air Force service members who live either here on RAF Feltwell or in neighboring villages and towns, as well as the dependents of DOD civilians and Air Force contractors.
Feltwell's Vision Statement:
Foster a positive and equitable community that values diversity and inspires students to be responsible, respectful, and curious lifelong learners.
Feltwell's Purpose Statement:
I am calm. I am respectful. I am responsible. I am ready to learn.
Feltwell's Literacy SMART Objective:
By the end of School Year 2025-2026, Feltwell Elementary School grades 3-5 will increase the percentage of students scoring at the meets/exceeds performance levels from 62% to 67% AND decrease the percentage of students in the did not meet or partially met the performance levels from 15% to 10% over two years from current performance SY 2023-2024 as reported on DoDEA's CCRS Literacy summative assessment.
Feltwell's Math SMART Objective:
By the end of SY 2025-2026, Feltwell Elementary School Grades 3-5 will increase the percentage of students scoring at the meets/exceeds performance levels from 57% to 62% AND decrease the percentage of students in the did not meet or partially met the performance levels from 12% to 7% over two years from current performance SY 2023-2024 as reported on DoDEA's CCRS Mathematics summative assessment.
Europe West District Goals
Goal 1: Professional Learning Community/Collaboration/Rigor/DoDEA CAS
If we follow the DoDEA PLC/Collaboration Guide, then the Europe West District will develop a Common Collaborative Culture for ALL schools within the district.
Goal 2: College and Career Readiness Standards (Rigor/DoDEA CAS)
If we implement the College and Career Readiness Standards provided by DoDEA, then students will maximize their academic growth and well-being for college career and life.
Goal 3: Learning Walkthrough Tool (Rigor/DoDEA CAS)
If we follow the DoDEA Learning Walkthrough Guide, then the Europe West District will develop a Common Culture for ALL schools providing feedback to teachers within the district.
Theory of Action
If we increase access and equity to rigor for all students, then students in Europe West will show improved educational outcomes and teachers will intentionally plan for student success.