Chain of Command

School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Administrative Officer +44 (0)1638-46-0145
Catherine Bridston Attendance +44 (0)1638-46-0144
Holly Low School Nurse +44 (0)1638-46-0147
Karen Marchini School Psychologist +44 (0)1638-46-0140
Zubia Rivera Registrar +44 (0)1638-46-0143
School Meals Program School Meals Program +44 (0)184-82-8088
School Webmaster School Webmaster +44 (0)1638-46-0140
Vanessa Soito School Counselor +44 (0)1638-46-0152

School Hours

Grade Regular Hours Office Hours Summer Hours
PK - 5 8:25 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
  8:25 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Wednesdays) (Monday - Friday) (Monday - Friday)
It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to notify the school every time a student is absent.

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

Children who walk or are dropped off at school by their parents should arrive no earlier than 0820. Adult supervision is not available prior to that time, and we don't want your child to start their school day as a victim of an avoidable accident or fight.

Children are dismissed at 1500 hours, and must report home before continuing with neighborhood activities. Since supervision of your child at school is not available after 1500, please be prompt in picking up your child. When a child's after-school transportation plan is changed for any reason, parents should notify the child's teacher as soon in advance as possible with a written note and current contact information. If such a note is not provided, the child will be sent home according to his/her regular after-school plan.

Other circumstances in which written notification needs to be provided to the teacher include:

  • If your child is to be picked up from school prior to dismissal time, please state the approximate time of pickup, so that the teacher can see that your child has homework and needed supplies. If you also call the office just prior to pickup, the office staff will see that your child is waiting in the office when you arrive.
  • Transportation changes must be communicated to your child’s teacher via email by 1:30 p.m. (12:30 p.m. on Wednesdays) on the day of the change. After that time, transportation changes can be made only in an emergency. After 2:40 p.m. (1:40 p.m. on Wednesdays), transportation changes cannot be guaranteed as students are already transitioning outside.

Late Arrival

For security purposes, parents are required to escort their children to the office and sign them in when arriving late students arriving after 8:30 AM will receive a late pass to give to their teacher for admission into class.

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